Building and Deploying osquery Extensions on Windows
Considering extensions on osquery are getting more and more support, I figured I’d throw up this guide for building osquery extensions on Windows in C++, as we’re still working on developing osquery python extensions for Windows. What follows are the build steps for developing Windows C++ extensions in osquery:
First, from within the master osquery repo, drop your extensions implementation
file into a subdirectory under external
. In the below sample I created a new
directory for my implemenation files (this is needed) called extension_test
and I created a .cpp
with my code living in this folder:
C:\Users\thor\work\repos\osquery [master ≡]
λ cat .\external\extension_test\sample_extension.cpp
// Note 1: Include the sdk.h helper.
#include <osquery/sdk.h>
using namespace osquery;
// Note 2: Define at least one plugin.
class ExampleTablePlugin : public tables::TablePlugin {
tables::TableColumns columns() const override {
return {
std::make_tuple("example_text", TEXT_TYPE, ColumnOptions::DEFAULT),
std::make_tuple("example_integer", INTEGER_TYPE, ColumnOptions::DEFAULT),
QueryData generate(tables::QueryContext& request) override {
QueryData results;
Row r;
r["example_text"] = "example";
r["example_integer"] = INTEGER(1);
return results;
// Note 3: Use REGISTER_EXTERNAL to define your plugin.
REGISTER_EXTERNAL(ExampleTablePlugin, "table", "example");
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
// Note 4: Start logging, threads, etc.
osquery::Initializer runner(argc, argv, ToolType::EXTENSION);
// Note 5: Connect to osqueryi or osqueryd.
auto status = startExtension("example", "0.0.1");
if (!status.ok()) {
LOG(ERROR) << status.getMessage();
// Finally shutdown.
return 0;
We can now make use of the osquery build scripts to generate the Visual Studio
solution and also build the sample code for us. The CMake
logic in our build
scripts will automatically build any projects living under external
so long
as they’re named extension_
C:\Users\thor\work\repos\osquery [master ≡]
λ .\tools\make-win64-binaries.bat
-- Welcome to osquery's build-- thank you for your patience! :)
-- For a brief tutorial see:
-- Building for platform Windows (windows, windows10)
-- Building osquery version 2.8.0-14-g9d332617 sdk 2.8.0
mkdir: cannot create directory 'C:/Users/thor/work/repos/osquery/build/windows10/generated': File exists
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: C:/Users/thor/work/repos/osquery/build/windows10
Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 14.0.25420.1
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
osquery_extensions.vcxproj -> C:\Users\thor\work\repos\osquery\build\windows10\osquery\extensions\osquery_extensions.dir\Release\osquery_extensions.lib
osquery_extensions.vcxproj -> C:\Users\thor\work\repos\osquery\build\windows10\osquery\extensions\osquery_extensions.dir\Release\osquery_extensions.lib
osquery_tables_tests.vcxproj -> C:\Users\thor\work\repos\osquery\build\windows10\osquery\Release\osquery_tables_tests.exe
Test project C:/Users/thor/work/repos/osquery/build/windows10
Start 1: osquery_tests
1/5 Test #1: osquery_tests .................... Passed 1.92 sec
Start 2: osquery_additional_tests
2/5 Test #2: osquery_additional_tests ......... Passed 38.74 sec
Start 3: osquery_tables_tests
3/5 Test #3: osquery_tables_tests ............. Passed 1.94 sec
Start 4: python_test_osqueryi
4/5 Test #4: python_test_osqueryi ............. Passed 67.82 sec
Start 5: python_test_osqueryd
5/5 Test #5: python_test_osqueryd ............. Passed 19.57 sec
100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 5
Total Test time (real) = 130.09 sec
Now that we have our sample extension built we have two options. We can either
launch Visual Studio and use this to build our extension project, or if we’d
prefer to avoid VS, you can manually invoke msbuild
to compile the project
code for us.
I recommend just leveraging the Visual Studio route, however for the ambitious
below are the instructions for manually invoking. It basically amounts to use a
new Powershell commandlet to invoke the vcvarsall.bat
script (note you
could also just use a VS Native Build Tools command prompt, but I love my
shell ^.^), and then invoking msbuild
with our project name:
C:\Users\thor\work\repos\osquery [master ≡]
λ cd .\build\windows10\
C:\Users\thor\work\repos\osquery\build\windows10 [master ≡]
λ (Get-Command Invoke-BatchFile).Definition
param([string]$Path, [string]$Parameters)
$tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
cmd.exe /c " `"$Path`" $Parameters && set > `"$tempFile`" "
Get-Content $tempFile | Foreach-Object {
if ($_ -match "^(.*?)=(.*)$") {
Set-Content "env:\$($matches[1])" $matches[2]
Remove-Item $tempFile
C:\Users\thor\work\repos\osquery\build\windows10 [master ≡]
λ Invoke-BatchFile "$env:VS140COMNTOOLS\..\..\vc\vcvarsall.bat" amd64
C:\Users\thor\work\repos\osquery\build\windows10 [master ≡]
λ msbuild osquery.sln /p:Configuration=Release /p:PlatformType=x64 /p:Platform=x64 /t:external_extension_test /m /v:m
Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 14.0.25420.1
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
LINK : /LTCG specified but no code generation required; remove /LTCG from the link command line to improve linker performance
external_extension_test.vcxproj -> C:\Users\thor\work\repos\osquery\build\windows10\external\Release\external_extension_test.ext.exe
Woot! We now have a external_extension_test.ext.exe
that’ll interoperate with
our osquery binaries. Now let’s look at how we deploy this extensions to our
enterprise and hook it up to an osquery process.
To do this one will require a deployment process for shipping the binaries, and also for setting file permissions on extensions. Below I assume you take this step, and just show what’s required to get the extension talking to the osquery service on startup:
C:\Users\thor\work\repos\osquery [master ≡]
λ cp .\build\windows10\external\Release\external_extension_test.ext.exe C:\ProgramData\osquery\extensions\example.exe
C:\Users\thor\work\repos\osquery [master ≡]
λ cat C:\ProgramData\osquery\osquery.flags
C:\Users\thor\work\repos\osquery [master ≡]
λ . .\tools\provision\chocolatey\osquery_utils.ps1
C:\Users\thor\work\repos\osquery [master ≡]
λ Set-DenyWriteAcl C:\ProgramData\osquery\extensions 'Add'
C:\Users\thor\work\repos\osquery [master ≡]
λ osqueryi --flagfile=C:\ProgramData\osquery\osquery.flags
Using a virtual database. Need help, type '.help'
osquery> .tables
=> etc_services
=> example
=> file
osquery> select * from example;
| example_text | example_integer |
| example | 1 |
osquery> .quit
C:\Users\thor\work\repos\osquery [master ≡]
λ cat C:\ProgramData\osquery\osquery.conf
"options": { },
"schedule": {
"system_info": {
"query": "SELECT hostname, cpu_brand, physical_memory FROM system_info;",
"interval": 3600
"extension_sample": {
"query": "SELECT * FROM example;",
"interval": 5,
"snapshot": "true"
C:\Users\thor\work\repos\osquery [master ≡]
λ Start-Service osqueryd
C:\Users\thor\work\repos\osquery [master ≡]
λ Get-Service osqueryd
Status Name DisplayName
------ ---- -----------
Running osqueryd osqueryd
C:\Users\thor\work\repos\osquery [master ≡]
λ tail -f C:\ProgramData\osquery\log\osqueryd.snapshots.log
{"snapshot":[{"example_integer":"1","example_text":"example"}],"action":"snapshot","name":"extension_sample","hostIdentifier":"TESTFAC-MMFN45S","calendarTime":"Tue Sep 26 19:32:30 2017 UTC","unixTime":"1506454350","epoch":"0"}
{"snapshot":[{"example_integer":"1","example_text":"example"}],"action":"snapshot","name":"extension_sample","hostIdentifier":"TESTFAC-MMFN45S","calendarTime":"Tue Sep 26 19:32:35 2017 UTC","unixTime":"1506454355","epoch":"0"}
{"snapshot":[{"example_integer":"1","example_text":"example"}],"action":"snapshot","name":"extension_sample","hostIdentifier":"TESTFAC-MMFN45S","calendarTime":"Tue Sep 26 19:32:41 2017 UTC","unixTime":"1506454361","epoch":"0"}
{"snapshot":[{"example_integer":"1","example_text":"example"}],"action":"snapshot","name":"extension_sample","hostIdentifier":"TESTFAC-MMFN45S","calendarTime":"Tue Sep 26 19:32:46 2017 UTC","unixTime":"1506454366","epoch":"0"}
λ l C:\ProgramData\osquery\log\
Directory: C:\ProgramData\osquery\log
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-a---- 9/26/2017 12:32 PM 490 osqueryd.INFO.20170926-123230.10976
-a---- 9/26/2017 12:17 PM 0 osqueryd.results.log
-a---- 9/26/2017 12:33 PM 3632 osqueryd.snapshots.log
There’s a lot happening up above, let’s walk through some of this step-by-step.
First, we copy the extension binary we built earlier to
(Again Note in your environment it’s
assumed you’d deploy here using Chef or Puppet). Once the binary is in place,
we need to set the proper file permissions to assure the binary will load. To
do this we make use of our helper Powershell libraries by ‘dot’ sourcing the
script, and invoking the Set-DenyWriteAcl
cmdlet with
. .\tools\provision\chocolatey\osquery_utils.ps1
, and then we call the
function, Set-DenyWriteAcl C:\ProgramData\osquery\extensions 'Add'
Now that the binary is in place, we update our osquery flags file to turn on
extensions, ensure the full path to our extensions binary is in our autoload
file, C:\ProgramData\osquery\extensions.load
, and then finally ensure we have
some scheduled queries setup in osquery.conf
. If you’re using a TLS server
for your configuration, you’d simply want to schedule a few queries against your
extension there.
Lastly, we turn everything on locally, and verify we’re getting logged output into our filesystem logger plugin.
Happy Hacking!